
Jakob Eder

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Jakob Eder is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Geography and Regional Research of the University of Vienna. Before pursuing his PhD, he studied economic geography at the University of Vienna and the University of Oslo. His PhD focuses on the necessary preconditions for innovation in the periphery and the characteristics of peripheral innovation processes.

PLACES: Session 2

Rethinking innovation-based development in the periphery: The role of firm-level and system-level agency

Economic geography has long tended to emphasize the virtues of cities to explicate how places stimulate firms’ innovation activities and why such activities are unevenly distributed across space. Challenging the urban bias in much of the geography of innovation literature, over the past years, scholarly work has begun to explore how novelty generation takes place […]

PLACES: Session 2