
Michaela Trippl

University of Vienna

Michaela Trippl is full professor of Economic Geography at the Department of Geography and Regional Research at the University of Vienna (UNIVIE), Austria and part-time professor at the Department of Working Life and Innovation at the University of Agder (Norway). Before joining UNIVIE in 2016, Michaela has been Associate Professor in Innovation Studies at CIRCLE, Lund University (Sweden). The main focus of her research is on regional innovation dynamics, regional structural change and innovation policies. She sits on the international editorial advisory board of Regional Studies and serves as a member of the Research Committee of the Regional Studies Association.

PLACES: Session 2

Rethinking innovation-based development in the periphery: The role of firm-level and system-level agency

Economic geography has long tended to emphasize the virtues of cities to explicate how places stimulate firms’ innovation activities and why such activities are unevenly distributed across space. Challenging the urban bias in much of the geography of innovation literature, over the past years, scholarly work has begun to explore how novelty generation takes place […]

PLACES: Session 2